Blog #2
Technology in the Classroom
There are many factors which influence teacher and students to use technology in the classroom. These range from parental input to state requirements. However, I believe the main factors influencing this trend are ease and social efficiency. As technological use increases in the world, accessibility and space time compression both increase in society as well. This trend in the world affects classroom use and how knowledge can but taught, transferred, and evaluated.
ISTE Standards for Educators
While the ISTE Standards for Educators seem self-explanatory, they are harder to implement than they seems. I believe it is very beneficial to have teachers know these and review/ reflect on them. The reason instructors teach is for the learner and these standards keep that in mind. They constantly push the teacher to become better and keep the learner in mind. This is why I believe teachers keeping in mind that they are a learner as well is especially meaningful. One skill that may be hard for me to implement in my teaching is the citizen standard. This is due to the fact that I will be teaching a young age and only know how to contribute to this as an older individual.
Digital Native
Digital native is often used to refer to someone born into the technological age. It is often seen that they pick up on new and advancing technologies better than digital immigrants. I believe this is due to the fact that their brains are younger. It is shown that when you learn a new skill at a younger age, it is easier to learn and advance in. In the classroom, this is evident. Many older substitutes and teachers do not know as much about technology as the youth and often have to have it taught to them or done for them by the students themselves. I believe this is a trend that will continue- even to my future students and I- based on past trends, but perhaps to a lesser extent. As long as future teachers put in enough time and energy to master technology, this can be avoided for the most part. However, that will vary from person to person and based on future requirements for educators.
Comments: Mallory Hartline and Hayley Singer
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