Blog #9

Assistive and Adaptive Technologies
These technologies are used to help those who have difficulties or disabilities access education and learn in an effective environment. This can include special computer tools (i.e. keyboards/ mice), screen readers, and text-to-speech programs. My school district was fortunate enough to have access to technologies like these. We had a device which magnified papers for the visually impaired, microphones for the teachers for the hard of hearing, and more. While teachers were more than willing to add these into their routines, I did notice that these malfunctioned or were not as effective as they could have been. It is important for every student to have access to basic education and I feel more research and dedication should be put into this sector.

Universal Design
The key principles of universal design are allowing for equal access and ease of use for all people. This is important because, as I stated above, everybody deserves to have access to basic education. These tools allow for those at a disadvantage to be able to obtain this. It is important in all aspects of life; from education to socialization. Personally, I have had previous experience with this through my time in engineering and architecture classes in high school. I learned the different regulations required for access to those disabled and all the requirements made. It is a lot more difficult and complex than most people assume and I am thankful I had that time to be introduced to this topic and its importance. 

Academic Software
In my future classroom, I would love to implement Google Drive and FASTT Math. Google Drive is a great tool where students can keep everything organized, collaborate with classmates, and share their work. It is a safe place to hold their all their work from Google slides to Google docs. FASTT Math is a software that I used in elementary school and loved. This allowed me to practice my math skills at my own level as well as tracking my progress. It is a great and fun tool for students to learn math; which is definitely necessary at a young age.

I have loved blogging. Writing has always been a passion of mine and combining it with education has been a lot of fun and given me a creative outlet. It is a great tool to connect with others as well! However, it is a project that you must be dedicated to and have some free time to accomplish. The reward is definitely worth the effort though :)

Comments: Mallory and Alina


  1. Hi Morgan! I enjoyed reading your blog post. I think using Google Drive in the classroom is a wonderful idea! It would allow students to easily work on group projects while also allowing teachers to share documents to be viewed (and potentially) edited with students. You could even use it to allow students to sign up for things like presentation slots or topics.

  2. Hi Morgan! I've seen though observations for my SLP field assistive listening devices for the Deaf and hard of hearing too. I agree that these tools should be accessible to everyone. I similarly talked about Google Drive in my blog post and how it's an excellent tool for educators to use. I agree that commenting on other people's blog posts can be a hassle, but it's nice to get to hear my peers thoughts! Good job!


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