Blog #8

Dynamic Instructional Design Model
This lesson does a great job at initially drawing on the students' background knowledge and expanding on examples which they do know. It also immediately lets the students know what the objectives for this lesson is which meet the S.M.A.R.T. goal standards (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timed). Because it is an online activity, it calls for an organized environment where the students work at their own pace and mastery level. Overall, I believe this lesson is a great introduction to gravity which utilizes the D.I.D very effectively. 

Bloom's Taxonomy and PowerPoint
PowerPoint can be a very useful tool for students to utilize in many ways. It can be especially useful in Bloom's Taxonomy. For the remembering portion, it can be used to teach new vocabulary or concepts and for flashcards or jeopardy games. For understanding, you could have the students create a presentation explaining the topic themselves in order to evaluate their retention. This can also help their application along with applying their knowledge to different examples. To help the students on their analyzation skills in PowerPoint by switching between topics or comparing and contrasting. For evaluation, you can have the students edit and revise each other's PowerPoints and critique them. Finally, for creation, the students can create their own presentation on a topic to present to the class.

My WebQuest taught me a lot of skills especially on sequence of lessons. It is a great way to introduce independence and productive struggle to the students in an effective manner. The students can learn a basic skill by themselves before then coming together and implementing what they learned into a more complex topic. Overall, I thought it was a great tool, but harder to use in younger grades. I feel like the students must become more independent before utilizing it; I am going into lower elementary education and cannot see myself using WebQuest too often. However, if implemented effectively, it can be a very useful tool.

Comments: Olivia and Mallory


  1. Morgan,

    Great blog post! I totally agree with your evaluation on creating a website. If I was teaching a younger grade, I personally think the website would be more aimed to the parents. Whereas older students you can target it towards the students themselves. Overall, it can be useful for a multitude of reasons if marketed towards the correct population.

  2. Hey! I agree with your statement that it might be harder to use a WebQuest with younger students. When I was creating mine, I was focused on a young grade and realized it might be challenging for them to use. Overall, I think you did a great job creating it but can see why it might not be as useful for young elementary schoolers.

  3. I'm thinking of teaching high school, so the WebQuest assignment is quite applicable, but I completely understand where it would not be so much for you. You're right that a WebQuest would certainly be a bit above younger students' capabilities.

  4. Hi Morgan! I enjoyed reading your blog post. I thought it was really interesting that you pointed out the potential difficulties of using a web quest with younger students. I personally created my web quest for freshmen in high school, but I actually work with pre-k and kindergarten aged students and a lot of these students do not know how to navigate the Internet. I definitely think this type of learning tool is more accessible to older elementary and up.

  5. Hey Morgan, I talked about Jeopardy in my powerpoint paragraph also! That is so funny. Great post. Your Webquest looks awesome!! I really enjoyed making the website too. I wouldn't use it if I was teaching younger grades either.

  6. Hi! I similarly wrote about in my blog post how i think powerpoint is an excellent tool and correspond with blooms taxonomy. When it comes to taking a test, I find myself remembering information that was visually presented on a slide and a picture that was on the slide with it. Powerpoint's are also useful because they give you the general idea on subjects, which you can go along with to what your teacher is saying as well. I also agree that creating the website last week was extremely easy and useful for the future, but not necessarily when it comes to working with younger children. Good job!


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